My Husband’s Friend Accidentally Exposed That He Is Cheating on Me and I Took My Revenge Gracefully

When Amy hopes for a cozy day at home, a voicemail sent in error changes everything she ever thought she knew about her marriage. Instead of crumbling, she puts on a brave face — eager to give her husband what he deserves.

Mark and I had been together for six great years. We had known each other for years before, having worked in the same building. But Mark was the building’s Casanova, constantly dating someone new.

Despite that, when Mark was ready to settle down, he chose me. And now, six years later, we were still in our honeymoon phase.

Or so I thought.

Last weekend, Mark told me he needed to go into the office.

“I just need to catch up on paperwork, Amy,” he said. “Maybe I’ll bring everything home, and I can work from here.”

“Do that,” I said. “Nobody wants to be in their office on a Saturday.”

Mark kissed me on my forehead, promised to bring home Indian food, and ran out.

Man working at desk | Source: Pexels

Man working at desk | Source: Pexels


After a few hours, I figured that Mark had just gotten comfortable at his desk and would only return when he was done.

I couldn’t complain. I wanted to curl up with a book and a cup of tea. Saturdays were for self-care — and that was the new lesson I wanted to live by.

A chapter into my book, my phone buzzed, an intrusion that I initially dismissed until I saw Tom’s name flashing on the screen. Tom, my husband’s best friend, was like family to us, so his voicemail immediately piqued my interest.

“Hi,” Tom said into the phone. “I’m running a little late for our double date. I’ll be there at around 2 PM, okay? It’s Coachella, right?”

Tom’s voice, always cheerful, echoed in the quiet room.

Confusion furrowed my brow.

What double date? I thought.

Mark hadn’t mentioned anything of the sort to me. All he said was that he needed to work and that he would try to bring his work home — so that we could still spend the day together.

Person reading a book and holding a mug | Source: Pexels

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