Girl Strolls Through Supermarket with Mom, Spots Her ‘Missing’ Photo on Milk Carton – Story of the Day

Mia, 14, opened her eyes to a nurse smiling beside her. “How are you feeling, dear? Can you tell me your name?” the woman asked.

Mia blinked. “I’m Mia…but that’s all I know,” she said.

“It’s OK,” The nurse smiled. “You’ve been in a coma for a few days. Your brain is still trying to wake up fully.” The nurse examined her, checking her pulse and examining her eyes. Mia was fine, but she would stay under observation, at least for a few days.

“Just a little longer, and you’ll be discharged. I’m going to tell your parents you are awake,” the nurse continued. “They’ve been distraught, but they’ll be so happy to see you.”

As the nurse walked away, Mia pressed her memory for details. Did she have parents who were worried for her? Would she recognize them?

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Mia’s racing thoughts were interrupted when the door burst open.

“Oh, darling!” A woman raced toward her and hugged her tightly. “Thank God you’re alive!”

Mia didn’t remember her. She stared blankly as the woman pulled away.

“I’m sorry, but I don’t remember anyone. I woke up from a coma,” Mia told her.

“I know, sweetie. The doctors filled me in. I’m Laura, your mother,” the woman said calmly.

Mia still didn’t recognize her. “What happened to me? Why don’t I remember you?” she asked.

Laura smiled. “There was an accident. But let’s not focus on the bad things, yes? I’m here to take you home. If familiar things surround you, your memory might return soon.”

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Shutterstock


“When can we leave?” Mia asked.

“Now,” Laura replied too quickly. “I’ll pack your things.”Mia
didn’t recognize Laura yet, but she sensed the pain in her voice. “It’s
OK,” she whispered, giving Laura a comforting smile. When the doc

Laura began collecting Mia’s stuff, which confused the young girl. “But the nurse said I needed to stay here—”

“Well, did she say you’re better now?”

“She did,” Mia nodded.

“Then it’s settled,” Laura declared. “They want to keep you here longer for the bills to swell.”

Mia believed Laura.

things were packed, and they were about to leave the room. But as Laura
opened the door, she stepped back, terrified by the flurry of activity

have to be quick, Mia. Follow me.” Instead of taking the main exit,
Laura veered left toward the fire escape. She glanced at people from the
corner of her eyes as if she wanted to remain unnoticed.

Mia noticed Laura’s nervous expression. “Why are we going this way?” she asked.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Shutterstock


need to get one floor down,” Laura replied, guiding Mia to the
staircase that seemed to spiral down endlessly. They reached a
less-traveled landing, and Laura released Mia’s hand. “Wait here; I’ll
be back in two minutes.”

Laura returned with some paperwork, and then they made their way into the parking lot.

Laura’s steps were hurried, and when she heard a doctor’s voice, she ushered Mia behind a car.

“Why are we hiding?” Mia asked.

sorry, honey,” Laura’s voice trembled as she looked at Mia. “I know you
might be worried about why we’re leaving like this…It breaks my heart,
but I can’t afford another day here. I can’t pay your bills.”

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